when i was mad at the mtac hotel

Well, until I finish my report (can’t now, mom’s on the computer I started writing it on), I’ll just say a few things.

I hate the Claritin (Clarion). MTAC staff & everybody at the con were friendly, nice and made the whole thing worth it. They rock. I still can’t believe I won a prize in the cosplay! What did I win? A RED WIG!!! *ear-piercing squeal* I have been wanting a straight red wig with bangs for ages (to do a Lina eventually, and a blossom, and a decent Ranma-chan), and I have one now!! A good quality one at that!! I don’t think they could have given me anything better. The other contestants were so great, I wish I could have been able to watch more (I went on second to last, so I hardly got to see anyone) If anyone found a small disposable kodak camera, email me, I think we lost ours šŸ™ (tho it might be buried in ash’s suitcase *crosses fingers*) I had some great pics on it, like me and Ash as milly and meryl with a great wolfwood that was there (for some reason, there aren’t any pics of us in milly and meryl on fansview! too bad, ash’s meryl was great!!), and one of Ash as Ranma with a cute Shampoo, with Mousse peeking out from behind her leg! That was a cute picture. I sold a grand total of four pics. I meant to leave my big Vash there for the art contest/art auction whatever. As we were leaving I told mom to go down and get the other drawings I had there, and she did and stuck them in the back. A ways down the road I thought to ask her if she’d gotten my Trigun print (not the Vash), and she said no, she didn’t see that one, she’d gotten the Sakura, the InuYasha and the big Vash. Oh well.

Tiffany Grant (english voice of Asuka) posed for a picture with my Asuka pic. I wish I could find a copy of that pic online! The guests were all very nice people, several of them commented on my artwork!

Spent way too much money in the dealer’s room (anything unusual there?). Got an InuYasha wall scroll, InuYasha UFO doll, InuYasha keychain, (sense a pattern?) and the next 2 InuYasha novels I needed. Loverly Utena artbook, Groundwork of Eva vol 1, and another CLAMP artwork CCS artbook. One of the CCS mangas I was missing, another Trigun wall scroll (Vash and Wolfwood), and a Rikku poster. Misc pins. I wanted that Utena movie rose ring…

Met Lyn, who I wished I could have found again and talked to some more, and a nice girl who recognized my artwork and likes my HP fanart! Unfortunately I didn’t get her name, but if you see this, thank you! šŸ˜€ Also met AshleyV – she made the cutest Sakura-chan! Gonna link to her next update! šŸ˜€

Had a problem with room keys. Darn the room keys, darn the Claritin! Hurray for Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Japanese ! Haha. Saw InuYasha episode one. A few minutes of the Cowboy Bebop movie (it wasn’t the best quality, unfortunately), but I missed Pretear and the Ah My Goddess movie. Pretear started way later than my mom liked today… by the time it started we were already back to Jackson. And I could have caught a bit of the AMG movie, but I decided to skip it for now, after hearing Tanja’s review. I’ll wait for it on DVD, and if I don’t like it I’ll give it to Cath as a bday present šŸ˜› LOL. (already got her xmas present at the con >D)

That’s all for now. I’ve GOT to straighten up my room and unpack a little bit. The bag with my bought-stuff in it burst.

OH OH OH! And the CCS fansubs my aunt got for me came while I was gone!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaay! More stuff!! I’m thoughly hyped up on anime for a while now, hopefully it’ll last until Animazement next year.

Sidenote… I’m making my HP cloak now. Gonna wear it opening night, even tho I said I wouldn’t. And for MidSouthCon next year in March? Rally Vincent and Misato, as of now. Animazement? Lina Inverse and… Legato from Trigun. Don’t ask.